Sam's Club Case: Empowering the Digital Journey with Multiple Expertises
We conducted a deep dive into Sam's Club and implemented enhancements throughout the entire digital journey, with a focus on data and media areas.
CadastraMarketing Team
July 19, 2023

We aim to expand the acquisition of members through digital channels at Sam's Club. To achieve this, we made enhancements to the digital journey, particularly in data and media, acknowledging the interconnection between online experiences and physical store visits.
Sam's Club
The largest shopping club in Brazil, acquired by the Carrefour Group in June 2022. The company operates in four countries and has a membership base of over 100 million people. Sam's Club offers a wide variety of products, including food, beverages, electronics, clothing, furniture, and more.
Our main objective was to increase the acquisition of new members through digital channels. However, in the case of Sam's Club, there is no complete segregation between online and offline, as digital interactions with the brand often lead to visits to physical stores and vice versa. Therefore, we conducted a deep dive into the situation and implemented enhancements throughout the entire digital journey, with a focus on data and media areas.
Immediate solutions and long-term value creation
"Consumer attention is currently very scattered across various media, making it challenging to reach the right person on the right platform at the right time. However, by leveraging the full potential of digital media tools, including automation, AI, and on/off data integration, it is possible to reach consumers with a higher likelihood of joining and develop relationships to maintain recurrence," said Claudia Vilhena, Senior Director of Membership, CRM, CX, and Analytics at Sam’s Club.
This complex work was only possible through the fusion of knowledge from various disciplines and by adopting a martech squad format, following the best practices of Cadastra's proprietary model, Open Performance. This format includes events, processes, and systematic rituals for a unified impactful delivery, promoting continuous development, testing, and constant improvements. In the data area, the main challenge was to identify, without the use of cookies and in compliance with LGPD, the profile of a consumer likely to become a member. Using a data lake and market databases, Cadastra created affinity lists to target continuous campaigns, seeking similar profiles on social networks and digital platforms, enabling reaching this audience through continuously enhanced campaigns.
Results of the strategies
Through an innovative strategy combining cookieless data, agile work methodologies, and advanced media distribution technologies, Cadastra achieved significant results in a short period for Sam’s Club.
+50% of new members acquired through digital channels
31% of the share of new members came from digital channels
+10 growth points compared to the previous year
105% growth in new leads through digital channels