Electrolux Case: People Control Solution
Through AI, Electrolux ensured safer environments in accordance with WHO recommendations, in addition to controlling access in an automated manner.
CadastraMarketing Team
February 12, 2024

Development of the People Control solution by our Data & Analytics team.
Electrolux's Challenge in Times of Pandemic
In an effort to prevent gatherings during the pandemic and reduce health risks for employees and teams, Electrolux introduced the challenge of monitoring the number of people inside its physical locations. The goal was to ensure compliance with the maximum capacity guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Development of the People Control Solution by our Data & Analytics Team
To address the challenge posed by Electrolux, our Data & Analytics team developed an Artificial Intelligence solution. This involved placing a camera-equipped device at the entrance of each restroom, allowing real-time visual identification of the number of people within the space.
The solution also tracked the entry and exit of individuals through a system implemented on tablets. Consequently, Electrolux made it possible to control and prevent gatherings in the same environment.
With the People Control Solution, Electrolux ensured safer environments in accordance with WHO recommendations, while also achieving automated access control.