Accurist Case Study: SEO & Website Optimisation

Accurist's partnership with Cadastra led to an 815% revenue surge, 620% CVR increase, 326% organic CVR rise, and 19% higher average order value through website



June 4, 2024


Accurist approached Cadastra as they experienced a consistent decline in website traffic, particularly in organic search. They lacked visibility into revenue tracking and struggled to identify converting traffic sources.


We began with a thorough user experience analysis and revamped critical website areas, including product listings, categories, and search navigation. Post-redesign, our focus extended to:

  • Enhancing category page content to rank for more specific product keywords.
  • Increasing backlinks from reputable domains.
  • Monitoring domain authority and boosting email sign-ups.
  • Improving overall website tracking for strategic insights.


Accurist saw substantial growth in online metrics:

  • Online revenue surged by 815%.
  • Online conversion rate (CVR) increased by 620%.
  • Organic CVR showed an impressive 326% rise.
  • Average order value saw a notable 19% increase.

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